Does not the Holy Bible teach wifely subjection also? Granted, it speaks nothing of beating your wife into submission, yet we should likewise remember the command found in the Bible in Proverbs 22:15, "Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child; the rod of correction will drive it far from him."
Do you not think that running a story about what the Quran says regarding submission is hypocritical when you use a rule for one but another rule for yourselves? Writing this, I almost feel hypocritical myself and Jesus words in the Sermon on the Mount come to mind, where he warned us to stop judging others. We should all take this rule to heart.
I find the comments made regarding ‘killing Christians’ almost laughable. To state this so plainly is naivety of an inexcusable level. To believe that ALL Muslims follow this ‘Pact of Umar’ and to state that Mohammed planted the seeds of terrorism in Islam is likewise inexcusable. I once heard a saying that sounded so good to me at the time but now the more I hear it the more foolish it gets: ‘It is true that most Muslims are not terrorists. But most terrorists are Muslims ‘. Again, this is showing naivety of an unprecedented level.
To back up any of those accusations, you must surely provide proof. Can you provide proof that most Muslims follow the Pact of Umar? Can you provide proof that Mohammed planted the seeds of terrorism into Islam? I strongly think not. Just remember; Christians are just as guilty of bloodshed as any other religious group, as history can prove.
You bring out your own ideas as to what Islam means. You say it doesn’t mean peace. You even mention a verse in the Quran to back up your statements, found here:
"Fight and slay the pagans [Christians] wherever ye find them and seize them, confine them, and lie in wait for them in every place of ambush" (Surah 9:5)
Who inserted the word Christian into this text? By doing this, you are just as guilty as the truly fanatical Muslims that do insert this word into the text, and likewise just as guilty as the truly fanatical Christian that may interpret a verse in a way that succumbs to his fanatical way of thinking.
There are many other malfunctions present on your site, yet to explain them all would take all day. You have obviously been subject to intense media propaganda regarding the nature of Islam world wide. Just remember, you see what they want you to see. If they want you to see a fanatical Muslim blow himself up in the